Items where Year is 2006

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Number of items: 69.


Andersson, Jonny, Brouwer, Carlaxel, Childs, Nataša, Finlayson, Peter, McDonnell, Odilla, Parchmann, Claire, Santamaria, Ilka, Wähälä, Jesus, Wilkins, Kristiina and Woodward, Hazel (2006) Report from ECTN Working group Developing Independent Learners in Chemistry. Other. UNSPECIFIED.


Bergin, Susan and Reilly, Ronan (2006) Predicting introductory programming performance: A multi-institutional multivariate study. pp. 303-323.

Bermingham, C. and Mahdi, A. E. (2006) A LCMS rendering intelligent tutoring modules for the provision of study skills training. [Conference Proceedings]

Birney, Rosanne (2006) The use of weblogs as a tool to support collaborative learning and reflective practice in third-Level institutions. In: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2006 - EdMedia 2006.

Brichau, J., Chitchyan, R., Garcia, A., Rashid, A., Clarke, S., D'Hondt, E., Haupt, M., Joosen, W., Katz, S., Noyé, J. and Südholt, M. (2006) A model curriculum for aspect-oriented software development. pp. 53-61. ISSN 07407459 (ISSN)

Brosnan, M., Evans, W., Brosnan, E. and Brown, G. (2006) Implementing objective structured clinical skills evaluation (OSCE) in nurse registration programmes in a centre in Ireland: A utilisation focused evaluation. pp. 115-122. ISSN 02606917 (ISSN)

Byrne, Gerry (2006) International reaccreditation for UCD engineering courses. p. 478. ISSN 03321711


Cinnéide, B. O. (2006) Developing and testing student oriented case studies: The production process and classroom/examination experiences with "entertaining" topics. pp. 349-364. ISSN 03090590 (ISSN)

Coghlan, David (2006) Insider action research doctorates: Generating actionable knowledge. pp. 293-306. ISSN 0018-1560, 1573-174X

Connolly, P. and McGing, G. (2006) Graduate education and hospitality management in Ireland. pp. 50-59. ISSN 09596119 (ISSN)

Connolly, Brid (2006) Adult and Community Education: A Model for Higher Education? In: Maynooth Philosophical Papers. National University of Ireland, Maynooth, 36-46..

Connolly, Cornelia, Murphy, Eamonn and Moore, Sarah (2006) An Innovative Approach to Teaching Computer Programming to Undergraduate Computing Student Based on Lonergan’s Theory. [Conference Proceedings]



Dearnley, C., Dunn, G. and Watson, S. (2006) An exploration of on-line access by non-traditional students in higher education: A case study. pp. 409-415. ISSN 02606917 (ISSN)

Doherty, M. L. and Jones, B. R. (2006) Undergraduate veterinary education at University College Dublin: A time of change. pp. 214-219. ISSN 0748321X (ISSN)

Donnelly, R. and O'Farrell, C. (2006) Constructivist e-learning for staff engaged in continuous professional development. In: Technology Supported Learning and Teaching: A Staff Perspective. IGI Global, pp. 146-159. ISBN 9781591409625 (ISBN)

Donnelly, Roisin (2006) Blended problem‐based learning for teacher education: lessons learnt. pp. 93-116. ISSN 17439884

Donnelly, Roisin (2006) Exploring lecturers’ self-perception of change in teaching practice. pp. 203-217. ISSN 13562517

Donnelly, Roisin (2006) Title of Case Study: Teaching Portfolio. In: Case studies of good practice in the assessment of student learning in higher education. Dublin Institute of Technology.

Donnelly, Roisin and Portimojärvi, Timo (2006) Shifting perceptions within online problem-based learning. In: Encyclopedia of Distance Learning, Second Edition. IGI Global.

Dowling, Dónal and Nolan, Brien (2006) Measuring the effectiveness of a maths learning support centre-The Dublin City University experience. [Conference Proceedings]


El-Awady, E. S. E., Moss, S., Mottram, D. and O'Donnell, J. (2006) Student perspectives on pharmacy curriculum and instruction in Egyptian schools. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 70 (1). ISSN 00029459 (ISSN)


Fisher, L. (2006) Teaching laptop-supported students in undergraduate business education: Academic staff experience of integrating technology into established curricula. [Conference Proceedings]


Fitzpatrick, J. J., Zumaeta, N. and Byrne, E. P. (2006) Teaching particle and powder technology in chemical engineering at University College Cork. [Conference Proceedings]

Fleming, Ted (2006) The University and Democracy: Habermas, Adult Learning and Learning Society. In: What Price the University? Perspectives on the meaning and value of higher education from the National Universityof Ireland, Maynooth. (Special Issue). National University of Ireland, Maynooth.


Ganchev, I., Stojanov, S., O'Droma, M. and Meere, D. (2006) An InfoStation-based university campus system for the provision of mLearning services. [Conference Proceedings]

Glynn, L. G., MacFarlane, A., Kelly, M., Cantillon, P. and Murphy, A. W, (2006) Helping each other to learn - A process evaluation of peer assisted learning. BMC Medical Education, 6. ISSN 14726920 (ISSN)

Grant, A (2006) Undergraduate psychiatric nursing education at the crossroads in Ireland. The generalist vs. specialist approach: towards a common foundation. Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing, 13 (6). pp. 722-729. ISSN 13510126


Hourigan, Tríona and Murray, Liam (2006) Mapping successful language learning approaches in the adaptation of generic software. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 19 (4-5). pp. 301-316.

Hunt, Eithne and Ryan, Susan (2006) Learning about occupation: An innovative educational method. International Journal of Therapy & Rehabilitation, 13 (9). p. 394. ISSN 17411645


Johnson, K., McHugo, C. and Hall, T. (2006) Analysing the efficacy of blended learning using technology enhanced learning (TEL) and m-learning delivery technologies. [Conference Proceedings]


Kenny, Michael (2006) Growing an E-Learning Programme for Rural Adults: A Case Study. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Kopacek, P., Ceccharelli, M., Hajrizi, E. and Stapleton, L. (2006) Mechatronics Education and International Stability: The Development of University-Level Education Programmes in Advanced Engineering in Kosovo. In: Improving Stability in Developing Nations through Automation 2006. Elsevier Ltd, pp. 1-7. ISBN 9780080454061 (ISBN)


Lee, T. C. (2006) Re-engineering Colles: Form, function and fragility fractures. Surgeon (Edinburgh University Press), 4 (1). pp. 39-44. ISSN 1479666X

Lynch, C. D. and Burke, F. M. (2006) Quality of root canal fillings performed by undergraduate dental students on single-rooted teeth. European Journal of Dental Education, 10 (2). pp. 67-72. ISSN 13965883 (ISSN)

Lynch, C. D., McConnell, R. J. and Hannigan, A. (2006) Dental school admissions in Ireland: can current selection criteria predict success? European Journal of Dental Education, 10 (2). pp. 73-79. ISSN 13965883

Lynch, C. D., McConnell, R. J., Hannigan, A. and Wilson, N. H. F. (2006) Teaching the use of resin composites in Canadian dental schools: How do current educational practices compare with North American trends? Journal of the Canadian Dental Association, 72 (4). 321-321e. ISSN 14882159 (ISSN)

Lynch, C. D., McConnell, R. J. and Wilson, N. H. F. (2006) Challenges to teaching posterior composites in the United Kingdom and Ireland. British Dental Journal, 201 (12). pp. 747-750. ISSN 00070610


MacKeogh, Kay and Lorenzi, Francesca (2006) An embedded approach to learning to learn online: strategies to increase student retention through developing subject-based competence. [Conference Proceedings]

Madden, Catherine (2006) Undergraduate nursing students’ acquisition and retention of CPR knowledge and skills. Nurse education today, 26 (3). pp. 218-227.

Mahdi, Abdulhussain E. (2006) Introducing peer-supported learning approach to tutoring in engineering and technology courses. International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, 43 (4). pp. 277-563. ISSN 00207209

Markett, C., Sanchez, Arnedillo I., Weber, S. and Tangney, B. (2006) Using short message service to encourage interactivity in the classroom. Computers and Education, 46 (3). pp. 280-293. ISSN 03601315

McAvinia, Claire (2006) CALLers and learning technologists: Where do they meet, and what do they have in common? Computer Assisted Language Learning, 19 (4-5). pp. 389-403. ISSN 0958-8221

McCarthy, Bridie (2006) Translating person-centred care: a case study of preceptor nurses and their teaching practices in acute care areas. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 15 (5). pp. 629-638. ISSN 09621067

McDonnell, Claire (2006) The teaching–research relationship in higher education. Level3 (4).

McGuinness, Claire (2006) What Faculty Think-Exploring the Barriers to Information Literacy Development in Undergraduate Education. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 32 (6). pp. 573-582. ISSN 00991333


O'Connor, Christine (2006) Implications of mass education on chemistry higher education. Level3 (4).

O'Dwyer, A. (2006) An approach to teaching PID controller tuning. [Conference Proceedings]

O'Dwyer, Aidan (2006) Experiences of learning and teaching on a taught Masters course in Engineering: from a didactic approach to a more student centered learning approach. [Conference Proceedings]

O'Kelly, Jackie and Gibson, J. Paul (2006) RoboCode & Problem-based Learning: A Non-prescriptive Approach to Teaching Programming. [Conference Proceedings]

O'Leary, C., Lawless, D., Gordon, D., Carroll, D., Mtenzi, F. and Collins, M. (2006) 3D alignment in the adaptive software engineering curriculum. [Conference Proceedings]

O'Leary, C., Lawless, D., Gordon, D., Haifeng, L. and Bechkoum, K. (2006) Developing a software engineering curriculum for the emerging software industry in China. [Conference Proceedings]

O'Sullivan, C., Cooper, R., Cranley, F. and Robinson, P. (2006) Creating a more positive experience for first year engineering students. [Conference Proceedings]

O'Sullivan, Mary and Deglau, Dena (2006) Chapter 7: Principles of professional development. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 25 (4). pp. 441-449. ISSN 0273-5024, 0273-5024

O'Sullivan, Íde and Chambers, Angela (2006) Learners’ writing skills in French: Corpus consultation and learner evaluation. Journal of second language writing, 15 (1). 49–68.


Ramachandran, S. (2006) Engineering education in an arts and media context. [Conference Proceedings]

Rami, Justin, Lalor, John, Berg, Wolfgang, Lorencovicova, Jan, Lorencovic, Eva, Maiztegui, Oñate and Concha, Elm, Annika (2006) Competencies for educators in Citizenship Education and the Development of Identity in First; Second Cycle Programmes: Volume 1. UNSPECIFIED.

Richardson, I., Milewski, A. E., Mullick, N. and Keil, P. (2006) Distributed development - An education perspective on the global studio project. [Conference Proceedings]


Saleh, M. (2006) Mechatronics at third level education: Practical design considerations. [Conference Proceedings]

Savage, K. and O'Brien, M. (2006) Architectural education-studio based learning. [Conference Proceedings]

Scanlon, A. (2006) Humanistic principles in relation to psychiatric nurse education: a review of the literature. Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing, 13 (6). pp. 758-764.

Slattery, Darina M. (2006) Using information and communication technologies to support deep learning in a third-level on-campus programme: A case study of the taught master of arts in e-learning design and development at the university of limerick. [Conference Proceedings]

Stamouli, I. and Huggard, M. (2006) Object oriented programming and program correctness: The students' perspective. [Conference Proceedings]


Waara, K. O., Petersen, A., Lanaras, T., Paulauskas, V., Kleiven, S., Crosa, G., Penttinen, O. P., Quesada, A., Kovats, N., Galinou-Mitsoudi, S., Lapinska, M., Newton, A., Balode, M., Hindak, F. and Marsalek, B. (2006) Inland Water Quality Assessment - A Joint European Masters Programme. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 15 (5-6). pp. 409-415. ISSN 1059-0145, 1573-1839

Waddington, Shelagh B. and Wright, Paul N. (2006) Reflected Reflections: facilitating student reflection. [Conference Proceedings]

Wall, J. and Ahmed, V. (2006) Delivering continuing professional development for construction management using e-learning. [Conference Proceedings]

Wall, J., Smit, D. and Ahmed, V. (2006) A collaborative initiative to deploy blended learning continuing professional development in the construction industry. [Conference Proceedings]

Widdifield, H., Ryan, C. A. and O'Sullivan, E. (2006) Understanding the role of the qualified professional: A comparison of medical and dental students attitudes. Irish Medical Journal, 99 (9). ISSN 03323102 (ISSN)

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