Doyle, Alison (2010) Dyscalculia and mathematical difficulties: Implications for transition to higher education in the Republic of Ireland. UNSPECIFIED. UNSPECIFIED.
This paper examines the neurological, cognitive and environmental features of dyscalculia, which is a specific learning difficulty in the area of processing numerical concepts. A review of the literature around the aetiology of dyscalculia, methods for assessment and diagnosis, global incidence of this condition and prevalence and type of intervention programmes is included.; In addition, the nature of dyscalculia is investigated within the Irish context, with respect to the structure of the Mathematics curriculum access to learning support equality of access to the Mathematics curriculum reasonable accommodations and state examinations implications for transition to higher education; Finally, provision of Mathematics support in third level institutions is discussed in order to highlight aspects of best practice which might usefully be applied to other educational contexts.
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