An Riogh, E. N., Perry, G. F., Jones, J. F. X., Tattersall, A., Heduan, M., H Stern, R., MacMahon, P., Giannotti, N. and Davis, M. (2016) X-perience-an interactive viewing platform displaying radiographic profiles of cadavers for educational purposes. Faseb Journal, 30.
Traditionally anatomy teaching has involved both learning from cadaveric dissection and formal lectures. The aim of our project was to introduce another dimension to students' experiences of learning anatomy through the medium of radiology. This project presents donor specific radiographic profiles of University College Dublin's cadavers for educational purposes. An interactive viewing platform Xperience was developed to vividly display these non-generic images. Comprehensive donor profiles were created by adding medical histories and consultant radiologists' reports. These self-guided image-based clinical cases enhance anatomical learning and offer early introduction of clinical radiography. X-perience complements the dissection process by reinforcing the concept of the donor as the student's first patient. Full skeletal radiographs were obtained from 13 donors (10 Female, 3 Male) aged 58-101 years. Radiographic images were produced digitally, labelled and stored using unique identifiers. These images were systemically labelled for normal and pathological findings and integrated with known medical history. Articulate Storyline 2 was used to build X-perience, a HTML5 interactive interface. To assess the value of X-perience Stage 3 Locomotor Biology students were surveyed. This cohort (n=50) had prior traditional anatomical teaching and could compare anatomical learning with and without X-perience. The workflow of profiling cadavers and constructing X-perience proved successful. X-perience is currently used by students during Dissecting Room practical classes and can be revisited via Blackboard, an online learning management system. Results of student acceptability survey, Kirkpatrick Level-1, are extremely positive. 84% of students agree that X-perience is relevant, easy to use and provides an integrated view of the human body. 88% appreciated the clinical relevance that X-perience offers. 92% of students acknowledged that they now had a greater understanding of the importance of radiology. The introduction of similar viewing platforms in other medical schools is recommended. Imaging modalities such as CT and/or histology could further refine X-perience. In addition to its educational value, X-perience strengthens the body donation program, highlighting the individuality and dignity of each donor and generating enthusiasm amongst students.
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