Universal Design for Online Library Instruction

Briggs, Kathryn (2021) Universal Design for Online Library Instruction.

My motivation for doing the Digital Badge in UDL was to learn how to use the principles and practices of UDL to encourage students to actively engage in using library resources, by embracing and formally embedding UDL into library instruction. For the redesign exercise I created a LibGuide for eResources and database training to provide multiple means of engagement, representation and action & expression. LibGuides are a content management and information sharing system for libraries to share knowledge and promote resources. The main challenge was visualizing how the principles and practices of UDL could fit into a one-shot library instruction session, which is typically how we deliver our library instruction. The feedback attained was from the Library Team, receiving 18 anonymous responses to a short survey on the LibGuide created as part of my design activity. 83% of respondents agreed that being provided with learning outcomes of the library training session is helpful. 94% agreed that it is helpful to have a choice in how the information is presented, with 89% stating that having a choice would encourage them to engage with the library learning resources. Finally, 72% felt it would help having a test, formal or informal, to show what is learnt after a training session. The final question asked if they had heard of UDL before, remarkably only 17% indicated that they had. Welcoming flexibility in delivering library instruction and learning material along with offering multiple ways for students to express themselves and demonstrate their knowledge can only make for a better, more engaging, learning environment.

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