Applying Digital Learning to Facilitate Student Transitions Within Higher Education Mobility Programmes: implementing the portal

Giralt, Marta, Murray, Liam and Benini, Silvia (2019) Applying Digital Learning to Facilitate Student Transitions Within Higher Education Mobility Programmes: implementing the portal. AISHE-J: The All Ireland Journal of Teaching & Learning in Higher Education, 11 (3).

This article discusses the topic of digital learning, the period abroad (PA) (in study or employment) and the potential exploitation of the online portal. We will present some of the latest initiatives in higher education that offer a digital platform for students preparing for their mobility, undergoing their mobility or returning to their home university.

We will report on some of the trialled activities that offers to students and teachers to carry out, again during the three phases of the mobility programme. Data gathered during the implementation of these activities will be shown to evidence the relevance of offering (digital) support to students who are involved in their PA. We will discuss issues related to intercultural learning, practical preparation and reflective practice that directly impact upon learners’ development (socio-pragmatic, linguistic and intercultural) in their PA. Finally, some recommendations on the use of relevant portal activities will be discussed.

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