Reilly, Jade (2021) Perceived Discrimination of International Students within Irish Colleges.
The present study aimed to investigate perceptions of discrimination towards International students within Irish colleges. The study examined perceived discrimination from both the perspectives of Irish students and International students in third level education. This study explored levels of perceived discrimination being higher amongst International students than Irish Students. A questionnaire was administered to participants (n=114) through an online link posted to the researchers’ social media as well as being emailed to third level education institutes. The first part of the questionnaire consisted of demographic questions. The second part assessed perceived discrimination using adjusted subscales of the Acculturative Stress Scale for International Students. Likert scales were used with higher scored indicating a higher level of perceived discrimination and lower scores showing lower levels of perceived discrimination. Results showed that International students scored higher on the perceived discrimination questions than did Irish students. Findings support International students being more aware of discrimination within colleges. The findings also provide an understanding of discrimination within an Irish college setting from two perspectives.
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