Wall, John (2015) Leadership in Implementing Technology-Enhanced Learning in Educational Institutions.
Conventional designs of educational programs are usually based on implicit instruc‐
tional design approaches that look equally at all learners. However, research indicates
that learning is a complex activity involving a number of different aspects. Using tech‐
nology to deliver and support learning adds another layer of complexity. In a rapidly
changing environment a template to map the implementation of blended learning is
proposed to contribute to the ongoing debate in higher education in implementing
blended learning approaches. In a challenging economic environment, some of the
key strategic leadership challenges that institutions must address are articulated.
Much of the research into deploying e-learning initiatives suggests that it is a complex
undertaking and that educational institutions are at various stages in the develop‐
ment and deployment of technology-facilitated initiatives. A number of key leader‐
ship challenges are outlined that academic leaders must address in delivering the
curriculum using technology. A proposed framework for deploying blended learning
coupled with a template for educational managers to embrace in their strategic de‐
ployment of technology in delivering the curriculum is presented.