Walsh, Elaine and Brunton, James (2014) Designing and Developing Assessments - the Assessment Matrix and Training for Online Distance Education Assessment Writers. In: The 15th Educational Technology Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA). May 29th and 30th, UCD, Dublin, Ireland.
(DCU) works in the National Institute of Digital Learning (NIDL) in the area of eLearning Pedagogy/Academic Management and Development for online distance education programmes. She holds a B.A. from the Waterford Institute of Technology, a higher diploma in Education from University College Dublin and a Masters in e-Learning Design and Development from the University of Limerick. Elaine’s research interests are in promoting higher order learning within an online environment and the design, development, implementation and evaluation of online assessment techniques. Currently, in addition to her role in the management and delivery of the undergraduate humanities programmes, she is working on the design, development and delivery of an online Moodle course aimed at online distance education assessment writers.