Cited By :28; Export Date: 23 February 2015; CODEN: JEEDE; Correspondence Address: Verner, I.M.; Dept. of Education in Technology, Technion, Haifa, 32000, Israel; email:; References: Ahlgren, D., Mendelssohn, J., The Trinity College fire fighting home robot contest (1998) (Web) Proceedings, 1998 ASEE Annual Conference, ,, accessed March 14, 2002; Avanzato, R., Collaborative mobile robot design in an introductory programming course for engineers (1998) (Web) Proceedings, 1998 ASEE Annual Conference, ,, accessed March 14, 2002; Stoane, D., Caragianis-Broadbridge, C., The United Technologies/Trinity College engineering initiative (UTCEI): A proven model for the accretion and retention of women and minorities in the fields of engineering and science (1999) (CD) Proceedings, 1999 Frontiers in Education Conference, , Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers: 12a7-1; Coradeschi, S., Malec, J., How to make a challenging AI course enjoyable using the RoboCup soccer simulation system (1998) Proceedings, 1998 Second RoboCup Workshop, pp. 57-61. , Paris; (2000) Criteria for Accrediting Programs in Engineering in the United States, pp. 32-34. , Baltimore, MD: The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET); Harel, I., Papert, S., (1991) Constructionism, , Ablex Publishing, Norwood, NJ;, accessed March 14, 2002, accessed March 14, 2002Jones, J., Seiger, B., Flynn, A., (1999) Mobile Robots, Inspiration to Implementation. 2 nd Ed., , A. K. Peters, Natic, MA; Martin, F., Ideal and real systems: A study of notions of control in undergraduates who design robots (1996) Constructionism in Practice: Designing, Thinking, and Learning in a Digital World, pp. 297-322. , Y. Kafai and M. Resnick (eds.) Lawrence Erlbaum, Mahwah, NJ; Martin, F., (2001) Robotic Explorations, a Hands-on Introduction to Engineering, , Prentice Hall; Murphy, R., Competing for a robotics education (2001) IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, 8 (2), pp. 44-55; Pack, D., Mankowski, A.M., Freeman, G.J., A firefighting robot and its impact on educational outcomes (1998) Proceedings, 1998 ASEE Annual Conference, ,, accessed March 14, 2002; Pugh, S., (1991) Total Design Integrated Methods for Successful Product Engineering, , Addison-Wesley; Schon, D., (1987) Educating the Reflective Practitioner, , Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA; Verner, I., Waks, S., Kolberg, E., Educational robotics: An insight into systems engineering (1999) European Journal of Engineering Education, 24 (2), pp. 201-212; Verner, I., Waks, S., Educational features of robot contests: The RoboCup'98 survey (2000) Advanced Robotics, 14 (1), pp. 65-74; Verner, I., Betzer, N., Machine control - A design and technology discipline in Israel's senior high schools (2001) International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 11 (3), pp. 263-272