Conference code: 75076; Cited By :1; Export Date: 23 February 2015; Correspondence Address: Timoney, J.; Dept. of Computer Science, NUI Maynooth, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland; email:; References:, US dept. of Labor, Bureau of Statistics, Computer Software EngineersEverett, J., Software Testing hits the big time IBM, presentation, ,; The Economic Impacts of Inadequate Infrastructure for Software Testing (2002) National Institute of Standards and Technology, , NIST, US; Jones, E., An experiential approach to incorporating software testing into the computer science curriculum (2001) 31st ASEE/IEEE FIE '01: Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference, 2. , Oct; Kaner, C., Padmanabhan, S., Practice and transfer of learning in the teaching of software testing (2007) IEEE Software Engineering Education and Training 2007, , Dublin, Ireland; Chen, T., Poon, P.-L., Experience with teaching Black-box testing in a Computer Science/Software Engineering curriculum (2004) IEEE Trans. on Education, 47 (1), pp. 42-50. , Feb; Hoffman, D.M., Strooper, P.A., Walsh, P., (1996) "Teaching and testing", 9th Conference on Software Engineering Education, , IEEE Computer Society, April; Bertolino, A., Software testing research: Achievements, Challenges, Dreams (2007) Future of Software Engineering (FOSE'07), , IEEE press; Hetzel, B., (1988) The Complete Guide to Software Testing, , 2nd Ed, John Wiley and Sons; Bezier, B., (1995) Black-Box Testing, , John Wiley and Sons; Pressman, R.S., (1996) Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach, , 4th Ed, McGraw Hill, International Edition; Copeland, L., (2003) A practitioner's guide to software testing, , Artech House, London; Meyers, G.J., (2004) The Art of Software Testing, , 2nd Ed. John Wiley and Sons; Glass, R., Collard, R., Bertolino, A., Bach, J., Kaner, C., Software testing and industry needs (2006) IEEE Software, 23 (4), pp. 55-57. , July; Roper, M., (1994) Software Testing, , McGraw-Hill, London; R. V. Binder, Testing Object-Orientated system - Models, Patterns and Tools, Addison Wesley, 1999Frezza, S., Integrating testing and design methods for undergraduates: Teaching software testing in the context of software design (2002) 32nd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in education conference, , Boston, US; Cusumano, M., MacCormack, A., Kemerer, C., Crandall, B., Software development worldwide: The state of the practice (2003) IEEE Software, 20 (6), pp. 28-34. , Nov; Miller, J., Mingins, C., Putting the practice in software engineering education (1998) Proc. of the 1998 International Conference on Software Engineering: Education & Practice, , Los Alamitos, CA, USA; Ng, S., Murnane, T., Reed, K., Grant, D., Chen, T., A preliminary survey on software testing practices in Australia (2004) Proc. 2004 Australian Soft. Eng Conf. (ASWEC '04), , Melbourne, Australia; Chan, T., Chen, T., Tang, D., Tsen, T., Software testing education and training in Hong Kong (2005) Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Quality Software, , Melbourne, Australia