Risquez, A., Rubio, M. and Rodriguez, G. (2009) Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Intercultural Education. In: Intercultural education. Perspectives and proposals. ALFA programme, European Commission..
The new information and communications technologies (ICTs) have becomean indispensable tool for constructing networks and communities of practice,for accessing and managing knowledge, and for disseminating best practicesin intercultural education. Social markers, Flickr, YouTube, Slideshare, RSS,Google, blogs, and wikis are some of the tools of the revolution of the socalledWeb 2.0, which are characterized by their emphasis on the social dimensionof the use of the new technologies. The proliferation of services andtools, many of them with free access and based on principles of free software,are democratizing the access to information and bringing groups of peoplefrom different points on the planet closer together. In the same way, CreativeCommons licences and free software are liberating knowledge so thatcreative expression is not reduced to a consultation and exchange within a group of people but can be within reach of everyone. This chapter will presenta panoramic vision of the state of the issue and a reflection on the applicationof the new technologies to intercultural education.The evolution of humanity has gone from the agricultural era, through the industrialera, to the �“information�” or �“knowledge�” era, where the main wealthproducingresource is knowledge or intellectual capital.
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