Conference code: 100742; Export Date: 23 February 2015; Correspondence Address: School of Languages, Literature, Culture and Communication, University of LimerickIreland; References: Atherton, A., Giurco, D., Campus sustainability: Climate change, transport and paper reduction (2011) International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 12, pp. 269-279; Darmody, M., Fleming, B., The balancing act: Irish part-time undergraduate students in higher education (2009) Irish Educational Studies, 28 (1), pp. 67-83; (2000) Lisbon European Council 23 and 24 March 2000 Presidency Conclusions, , 00100-r1.en0.htm, European Commission; (2000) E-learning - Designing Tomorrow's Education, , EN:PDF, European Commission COM(2000) 318 final, Brussels 24.5.2000; The E-learning action plan - Designing tomorrow's education (2001) COM(2001)172 Final, Brussels 28.3.2001, , EN:PDF, European Commission; (2003) Decision no 2318/2003/EC of 5 December 2003 Adopting a Multiannual Programme (2004 to 2006) for the Effective Integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Education and Training Systems in Europe (e-Learning Programme), , 0016:EN:PDF, European Parliament and Council of the European Union; Garrison, D.R., Critical inquiry in a text-based environment: Computer conferencing in higher education (2000) The Internet and Higher Education, 2 (2-3), pp. 87-105; Geith, C., Vignare, K., Access to education with online learning and open educational resources: Can they close the gap? (2008) Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 12 (1), pp. 1-22; (2011) Springboard, ,; (2011) National Strategy for Higher Education to 2030: Report of the Strategy Group, , he_national_strategy_2030_report.pdf, Ireland, Department of Education and Skills; (2008) CAMEL Tangible Benefits of E-Learning: Final Report, , camelbelt_final_report.pdf; Lee, M.J.W., Talk the talk: Learner-generated podcasts as catalysts for knowledge creation (2008) British Journal of Educational Technology, 39 (3), pp. 501-521; MacKeogh, K., Fox, S., Open access to higher education to all? What motivates academic staff in traditional universities to adopt elearning? (2008) European Distance & ELearning Network 5th Research Conference: Researching and Promoting Access to Education and Training, ,, Paris. 20-22 October 2008; Meyer, K., Wilson, J., The role of online learning in the emergency plans of flagship institutions (2011) Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 4 (1). ,; Nikoi, S., Wheeler, M., How green is your learning? Pedagogical options for environmentally sustainable education (2009) EDEN Conference, , NikoiWheeler%20Green%20Learning%20paper.pdf, Gdansk, Poland, 10-13 June 2009; Robey, D., Situated learning in cross-functional virtual teams (2000) Technical Communication, 47 (1), pp. 51-66; Shea, P., A study of teaching presence and student sense of learning community in fully online and web-enhanced college courses (2006) The Internet and Higher Education, 9 (3), pp. 175-190