Broad, S. and O'Flynn, J. (2012) Special Issue: Current Issues in High Music Education INTRODUCTION. pp. 1-7.
This special issue emerges from a growing recognition of the need for research into; music curriculum matters in higher education. From our perspective, this arises from; a number of observable tendencies in the mainstream of music education studies in; institutional contexts, as gleaned from a review of related literature and conference; programming over the past few decades. First, there is a predominant emphasis on; primary and secondary levels of ‘school music’, a situation that is hardly surprising; given the overall scale of engagement at both of these levels which in many instances; involves compulsory, statutory education; this is paralleled by a significant level of; interest in research relating to instrumental and vocal education in conservatoires.; Second, it can be observed that, to date, the bulk of music education research carried; out in higher education settings has been primarily concerned with the sub-discipline; itself, that is to say, with the education of future teachers of music in generalist and/or; specialist settings. Increasingly though, this has come to be complemented by a; growing scholarly interest in the education of the professional musician.
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