Reardon, Susan and Tangney, Brendan (2014) Smartphones, Studio-Based Learning, and Scaffolding: Helping Novices Learn to Program. Trans. Comput. Educ., 14 (4). 23:1-23:15. ISSN 1946-6226
Rowan Byrne, Jake and Tangney, Brendan (2010) CAWriter: A CSCW/CSCL Tool to Support Research Students' Academic Writing. [Conference Proceedings]
Savage, Timothy, Sanchez, Inmaculada A., O'Donnell, Fionnuala and Tangney, Brendan (2003) Using robotic technology as a constructionist mindtool in knowledge construction. [Conference Proceedings]
Tangney, Brendan, Holmes, Bryn and FitzGibbon, Ann (2000) Teaching" Computers & Society"-The Medium and The Message. [Conference Proceedings]