Beagon, Una, Bowe, Brian, Kövesi, Klara, Gillet, Christiane, Tabas, Brad, Nørgaard, Bente, Spliid, Claus and Lehtinen, Riitta (2019) INTELLECTUAL OUTPUT 1 (IO1): SKILLSFOCUS 2030:A MODEL OF SKILLS AND ATTRIBUTESNEEDED FOR ENGINEERS TO ACHIEVE THE SDGS. Reports.
Beagon, Una, Tabas, Brad and Kövesi, Klara (2019) Report on the Future Role of Engineers in Society and the Skills and Competences Engineering will Require. Reports.
Beagon, Una, Kövesi, Klara, Tabas, Brad, Norgaard, Bente, Lehtinen, Riitta, Bowe, Brian, Gillet, Christiane and Spliid, Claus (2021) SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND THE SDGS: REVEALING ENGINEERING ACADEMICS, STUDENTS AND EMPLOYER VIEWPOINTS. [Dataset]