Greer, Kerry, Ryan, Deirdre, McLoughlin, Aoife, Duffy, Eugene and Meehan, Amalee (2012) TRANSFORMING THE PRACTIONERS: AN EXPLORATION OF THE APPLICATION OF THRESHOLD CONCEPTS TO A MULTIDISCIPLINARY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT MASTERS COURSE IN CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP. In: National Academy’s Sixth Annual Conference and the Fourth Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference. Threshold Concepts: from personal practice to communities of practice, 2012, June 28 - 29 2012, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
Greer, Kerry, Ryan, Deirdre, Kelly, Donie, Vaughan, Elaine, Glasheen, Michelle, McLoughlin, Aoife and Whisker, Lorriane (2011) The effectiveness of digital technologies in Higher Education lectures. [Conference Proceedings]