Childs, Alice (2021) The only way is OSE (Open Source Examinations).
Childs, Alice (2019) Call to ARM at Griffith College.
Childs, Alice and Ford, Madeleine (2018) Business as Usual But Blended with a Digital Twist.
Childs, Alice (2018) Zooming Marvellous.
Childs, Alice (2018) The future look (s)blended: Engaging Pedagogy in Blended Learning.
Childs, Alice (2017) E-Portfolio assessment of, for and as learning: Reflections on the Learning Technologist role in Technology-Enabled Assessment.
Childs, Alice (2016) Instructional Design guide: Team Guide for blended courses. Griffith College Dublin.
Childs, Alice (2015) Conversion Course: Ed Tech conference short paper 2015.
Childs, Alice and O’Toole, Mary (2015) The Virtual Classroom : Legally Blended.