Bree, Ronan T. (2019) Embracing alternative formats, assessment strategies and digital technologies to revitalise practical sessions in science & health.
This report focuses on the practical learningenvironment in science and health curricula, anelement of learning which does not often receiveits deserved attention when it comes to thedesign and assessment strategies employed. Inmany cases, traditional practical formats andassessment strategies regularly remaincemented in use, with changes rarely introduced.The goal of this report is to inform educators, bypresenting an overview of the enhanced learningenvironment that can be created in a practicalsession, as well as a recognition for its potentialas a key component for skill development.Engaging learners with student-centred activitiesvia the implementation of different modes oflearning, incorporating alternative assessmentapproaches while embracing digitaltechnologies, can empower them with technical,practical and soft skills that can significantlyenhance their employability and last a lifetime.
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