Sharp, Mary, Wade, Vincent Patrick, O'Donnell, Eileen and Mulwa, Catherine (2013) Web-mediated education and training environments: A review of personalised interactive e-learning resources. In: ePedagogy in Online Learning:New Developments in Web Mediated Human Computer Interaction. Information Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global).
This chapter reviews the concept of personalised eLearning resources in relation to integrating interactivityinto asynchronous learning. Personalised eLearning resources are learning resources whichare selected to suit a specific student or trainee?s individual learning requirements. The affordance ofpersonalised eLearning would provide educators with the opportunity to shift away from eLearningcontent that is retrieved and move towards the provision of personalised interactive content to providea form of asynchronous learning to suit students at different degree levels. A basic introduction to theconcept of ePedagogy in online learning environments is explored and the impacts these systems haveon students learning experiences are considered. Issues, controversies, and problems associated withthe creation of personalised interactive eLearning resources are examined, and suggested solutionsand recommendations to the identified issues, controversies, and problems are reviewed. Personalisedinteractive asynchronous learning resources could potentially improve students? learning experiences butmore research on the human computer interface of these authoring tools is required before personalisedeLearning resources are available for use by non-technical authors.
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