McLoughlin, L. I. (2009) Subtitles in Translators' Training: A Model of Analysis. Romance Studies, 27 (3). pp. 174-185.
Research on the pedagogical implications of the use of subtitling in language teaching has traditionally focused mainly on the effects of ready-captioned material on learners' reading and listening abilities and, less often, on oral skills. In recent years, a number of contributions have also explored the usefulness of audiovisual translation in foreign language curricula and an increasing number of translator training degree courses across Europe now include subtitling modules. This article first considers the use of subtitling in language teaching and then explores in more detail its use so far in translators' training. It then looks at the introduction of subtitle creation in translation classes, reflecting on the linguistic, semantic, and cultural issues involved, and proposes a model of analysis for pedagogical purposes. Finally it presents the results of a trial conducted in the Department of Italian at National University of Ireland, Galway, during the academic year 2006-2007, showing how a structured approach to subtitle creation based on this model contributes to enhancing advanced students' translation competence.
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